Students with disabilities need special education teachers to advocate for them, guide them in specialized instruction, connect them to resources, and help them build plans for future success. Special education teachers do so many things, but their most important work is caring for students.
Special Education Day

In honor of National Special Education Day on Dec. 2, Get SET Nebraska encourages schools to show their appreciation for special education teachers — not only on this day, but throughout the year. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the first federal special education law, was signed on this day in 1975, guaranteeing children of all abilities the right to an education.

There are many ways administrators and colleagues can show their appreciation for special education teachers. Below are five easy ways you can “thank” a special education teacher.

5 Ways to “Thank” a Special Education Teacher

  1. Be present to assist in elements related to work support. Recognize their professional skill during activities. This may include attending IEP meetings, drop-in coaching for specialized instruction sessions or discussions with families.
  2. Monitor student growth and achievement data and celebrate with them when they lead students to success. Ask about student progress and have ongoing discussions.
  3. Ask for their voice and opinion related to special education program decisions. Value their knowledge as a professional and include them in decisions.
  4. Support them in opportunities for individualized growth. Find out areas where they would like to expand their skills and offer them the opportunities to attend training or to learn from peers.
  5. Show it in words. Saying “thank you” for the work and effort they put into each and every student matters. This can be done verbally or in a hand-written note.

Want to learn more?

Please reach out if you would like to learn more ways to support and empower special education teachers with Get SET Nebraska.

Pamela Brezenski, EdD
Project Manager, Get SET Nebraska